Terms of Service
If you use this site, you are solely and fully responsible for any content that you send to our site. We strictly prohibit the posting of the following types of content to our site:
- We do not allow nudity, pornography, and sexual material of a lewd, lecherous or obscene nature and intent or that violates local, state and national laws.
- We do not allow any material that violates or infringes in any way upon the proprietary rights of others, including, without limitation, copyright or trademark rights; this includes “WAREZ” (copyrighted software that is distributed illegally), “mp3” files of copyrighted music, copyrighted photographs, text, video or artwork. If you don’t own the copyright or have express authorization and documented permission to use it, don’t put it on this site. (If you do have express permission you must say so clearly in your job notes). We will terminate the accounts of, and remove the pages of, repeat infringers.
- We do not allow any material that is threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, indecent, or otherwise objectionable; including posting other peoples’ private information.
- We do not allow any software, information, or other material that contains a virus, “Trojan Horse”, “worm” corrupted data, or any other harmful or damaging component.
- We do not allow hate propaganda or hate mongering, swearing, or fraudulent material or activity.
We welcome customers use our services. We have terrific customers and we intend to keep it that way.
We want to be completely honest about our policy.
Customers who want to use our services and tools must agree to accept our email messages as part of their service. We provide you with limited web space for business transactions between you and us. The spirit of the web space is specifically intended as a storage facility for your digital files as long as they are needed for us to do business. Using it in any other way is a violation of our Terms of Service.
We do not currently allow MP3 files to be uploaded to our web space storage. We only use email to inform you of job related activities and new benefits and features, to let you know of urgent problems on our site, and to present special customers-only opportunities to buy products and services. And we keep these messages to a minimum. If you elect not to receive our email messages by opting-out of our mailing list, you will miss training information, new product and services announcements, and special discounts.
If you believe that any of the content posted violates your proprietary rights, including copyrights, please contact us.
By submitting your information or files to us, you represent that the pages or files comply with our Terms of Service. If any third party brings a claim, lawsuit or other proceeding against us based on your conduct or use of our services, you agree to compensate us (including its officers, directors, employees and agents) for any and all losses, liabilities, damages or expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by us in connection with any such claim, lawsuit or proceeding.
We are the final arbiter of what IS and IS NOT allowed on our site. Further, we reserve the right to modify or remove anything submitted to this site, and to c